Monday, November 3, 2008

Northshore Park

Sunday we went to Northshore Park in the Woodlands for a company picnic for Bryan's work. The kids had a blast, and I thought we'd never get Bekah out of the sand! She is hilarious...for being such a girly-girl, she sure loves to get dirty!
The kids all also enjoyed feeding the ducks and Bekah picked out her favorites. For some reason the white ducks were the "Mommy" ducks, and the brown ones were the idea why. The boys played football most of the day, which was really funny to watch (Caleb just really wanted to do whatever Devin was doing). At one point Devin was playing center, and Caleb was the quarterback...seems a bit backwards, but whatever. All in all we had a great family day at the park!

1 comment:

TeamRiss said...

Bekah looks so big digging in the sand like that! We miss you guys...