Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving at Nana and Pop's House

Yesterday we went to my parent's house for Thanksgiving and to watch the UT football game. We all got a special treat because my grandparents were there as well! The kids all had a blast playing in the playroom, watching movies, and swimming in the hot tub. Caleb even found a cowboy hat to try on!

Granny and Grandaddy also brought birthday presents for Caleb and Christmas presents for everyone! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day!

Today Bekah woke up not feeling well again (maybe from me keeping her up until really late so we could finish watching the UT game??) so we were back to her breathing machine and motrin for a slight fever. It seems like someone is sick every year at Thansgiving...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Phones do not swim

This post is a public service announcement for all of you who either do not yet have children, or who's children are not yet old enough to be left unattended (and for those of us "experienced" moms who sometimes let the kids play without supervision...shame, shame).

Today I was trying to catch up on some household chores since I've been feeling pretty lousy lately and several things needed to get done. So, I turned on cartoons for Caleb and Bekah, and left them to their own devices. I was in the closet sorting through clothes, when Bekah comes running in and says "Caleb put the phone in the potty! I didn't do it Mommy." She has to be sure I know that SHE was being good, lol. So, I went out to investigate, and sure enough, Caleb had put the cordless phone in the toilet. Apparently there was a commercial on Noggin that showed a little boy putting a phone in a toilet, and Caleb thought it would be fun to try it. I rolled up my sleeves, and put my hand in the toilet (ohmygosh) and tried to get the phone out. No such luck...I guess he tried to flush the toilet after putting the phone in there, because it is wedged in there and I couldn't get it to even budge. Well, I called Bryan, who was none-too-pleased, and told him he'll have to deal with it when he gets home.

The aerial view, and then the close up. Yes, that is the speaker on the back of the phone sticking out of the hole in the toilet. Bekah informed me, as my hand is in there, "Mommy, my poop was in there." Thankfully it had been flushed before the phone was put in there.

After that, I took a little survey of the rest of the house, and this is what I found. It appears that I need to do any household chores AFTER the kids go to bed. I could have sworn the kids had grown out of stuff like this! They are currently banished to the backyard until I stop fuming (or until Daddy gets home...whichever comes first).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shouldn't it be over by now??

Okay, so I'm now almost 13 weeks pregnant (see the lilypie ticker to your right...only 190 days to gosh that sounds like alot!) and I was under the impression that if I had morning sickness that it would subside at about 12 weeks. Well, did somebody forget to tell my body that?? I have stopped taking my Zofran, because frankly I could no longer handle the side-effects, and my nauseau has not gotten much better since the 12 week mark. I'm okay in the mornings as long as I eat something quickly, but my stupid "morning" sickness gets worse as the day goes on so that by about 5:00 it takes everything I have not to throw up on anyone. Besides that, my house is a wreck, my kids have not had a decent meal in 2 days, and there are currently 4 baskets of laundry in my room waiting to be folded. Add all of it to the fact that I have a cold and can't take anything, and I am one miserable momma.
Sorry to vent, and I don't have any pictures today (unless you want one of me still in my pajamas at 5:30 in the afternoon), so I hope I haven't brought anyone's day down too far.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Devin's first gymnastics meet (sort of)

Devin had a practice meet on Friday with the boys' gymnastics team. He is a level 4 this year, so this is his first time competing and he's a little nervous. He did very well in the practice meet, and the only major mistakes he had were a fall on p-bars and forgetting a few things in his routines. We are very proud of the progress he's made this year!! Most of his meets this year will be in the Houston area, but for those of you out of town, he does have some meets elsewhere (Austin, Bryan, Dallas, etc.), so if you have any desire to see him compete in person please let me know and I'll send his schedule. I'm going to try to add some videos of his routines, but last time it didn't work very well and my camera kept getting spots when I tried to take still pictures.

Friday, November 7, 2008

What a big girl!

I came to the realization today that Bekah is getting too big. I knew it was bound to happen eventually, but when did my baby girl grow up? Did I blink?? Today we left the house, not with a baby doll as usual, but with a purse and sunglasses because "I don't want the sun to hurt my eyes." And inside the purse: a cell phone, a hair brush, a play spoon, a small dog from her dollhouse, and an extra pair of sunglasses. She had all her supplies and she was ready to go. The kitty cat is standard because "I'm 'lergic to kitties" so she has a pretend kitty to keep her company.
For those of you with little girls, don't blink...they grow up so fast! I'm certain that tomorrow she'll be back to carting her baby doll (and the stroller, diaper bag, blanket, etc that goes with it) all over creation, but for today I had a real grown up big girl on my hands. What am I going to do in a year and a half when she goes to kindergarten??

Random Funnies

Earlier this week our 2 smaller children decided they wanted to dance together again. That was really entertaining. They were trying dips and twirls and all kinds of things, but being that they are 3 and 4, they couldn't quite get coordinated enough to get it right. See the movie clip above...

Today I took Bekah to eat lunch at Chic-fil-a and then to the park to play with a friend from school. The girls had a great time and I got to spend time talking to another adult woman for a change! Meanwhile the boys went to Main Event to bowl and play games with dad. (No pictures from that, because I had the camera with me.)

Tonight, on the way home from eating dinner, Caleb was discussing with Bekah and Devin what a scuba diver is. Bryan and I heard him tell them "It's a guy, who goes down in the water and scoops up fish. And then he gives them to mean Darla." Clearly, he was pronouncing it "scoopa diver", and to him that made perfect sense. I busted out laughing, and Caleb got mad...because, after all, he wasn't trying to be funny! They have apparently watched Finding Nemo a few too many times...

Now we're off to have family movie night...the boys' favorite part of the week (aside from family game night, which is Sunday, and is Devin's 2nd favorite part of the week). Tonight it's "Journey to the Center of the Earth"...oh joy.
That's it for today! Hope everyone else had a great week as well!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Northshore Park

Sunday we went to Northshore Park in the Woodlands for a company picnic for Bryan's work. The kids had a blast, and I thought we'd never get Bekah out of the sand! She is hilarious...for being such a girly-girl, she sure loves to get dirty!
The kids all also enjoyed feeding the ducks and Bekah picked out her favorites. For some reason the white ducks were the "Mommy" ducks, and the brown ones were the idea why. The boys played football most of the day, which was really funny to watch (Caleb just really wanted to do whatever Devin was doing). At one point Devin was playing center, and Caleb was the quarterback...seems a bit backwards, but whatever. All in all we had a great family day at the park!

Halloween Night

Halloween was really fun this year! Rebekah was Cinderella, Caleb was Mr. Incredible, and Devin was red ninja. This was the first year that we allowed Devin to go trick-or-treating with just his friends (and no adults), so that was a big step up for him. He had a great time, and we're pretty sure he followed the rules that we gave him :-)

My sister brought over her kids (Ryleigh-5, Caden 2 1/2) to trick or treat with Caleb and Bekah, and it ended up that our little kids were dressed the same! Rebekah and Ryleigh both wanted to be Cinderella, so I knew that they would match, but I had no idea that Caleb and Caden had both picked out Mr. Incredible! So we had 2 matching sets of trick-or-treaters! It was really cute, and the neighbors kept doing a double-take when they answered the door.

After trick-or-treating, we went back to our cul-de-sac for a potluck get together and so the kids could play and burn off some candy. We just love our neighbors...everyone is so friendly and the kids all get along so well. So we hung out until my medicine wore off, then we had to go home.

I hope everyone else had a great Halloween as well!