Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Night

Halloween was really fun this year! Rebekah was Cinderella, Caleb was Mr. Incredible, and Devin was red ninja. This was the first year that we allowed Devin to go trick-or-treating with just his friends (and no adults), so that was a big step up for him. He had a great time, and we're pretty sure he followed the rules that we gave him :-)

My sister brought over her kids (Ryleigh-5, Caden 2 1/2) to trick or treat with Caleb and Bekah, and it ended up that our little kids were dressed the same! Rebekah and Ryleigh both wanted to be Cinderella, so I knew that they would match, but I had no idea that Caleb and Caden had both picked out Mr. Incredible! So we had 2 matching sets of trick-or-treaters! It was really cute, and the neighbors kept doing a double-take when they answered the door.

After trick-or-treating, we went back to our cul-de-sac for a potluck get together and so the kids could play and burn off some candy. We just love our neighbors...everyone is so friendly and the kids all get along so well. So we hung out until my medicine wore off, then we had to go home.

I hope everyone else had a great Halloween as well!

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