Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pregnancy symptoms...back with a vengeance

Okay, so last week I was feeling really well...I wasn't nauseous, just a little tired. So, I'm thinking, "Wow, I've really lucked out!". Then this week came....ohmygosh. I am now naseated most of the day, every day, and although I haven't yet thrown up, I just know it's coming. I just feel like I can't get full, and whenever my stomach is empty it makes me feel sick. How crazy is that?

So, my working schedule is pretty un-flexible, so I guess I'll just have to live through it. I don't have a sub, and I don't think that would go over very well with the boss, since she was against another baby in the first place :-) Sorry Mom (yes, I work for my parents).

Okay, so I'm off to bed...

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