Friday, January 23, 2009

We're going to Disney World!!

Yup, we leave first thing in the morning (okay, 12:30, but it means getting up early for us on a Saturday). We'll be there from Saturday to Saturday, and the kids can't wait!! They are all old enough to understand it this time, and are very familiar with all the movies, so this should be a really fun trip!
I'll try to post updates and pictures while we're gone, but I'm not promising anything...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's all in the Name

After careful consideration (and a little bit of arguing) we have finally, I think, decided on a name.

Emery Christine Molander

I know it's not one of the 3 that we had everyone vote on, but when I checked the top 5 baby girl names for 2008, Isabella and Emma were both on it. And someone suggested that I look up the meanings of the names, and Leah means "weary or tired" which I figured she will definitely make us, but I didn't want to help her out!

Emery was my first choice from the beginning, but I had to talk Bryan into it. Well, he got the final decision on the color of our new hardwood floors (more about that later), so I get the final decision on the baby girl's name. I also told him that if our next one :-) is a boy then he will get the final decision about that one.

So, I hope everyone approves of our choice...and if not, well, it's not your kid! Just kidding, everyone take care!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stray Dogs

We had 3 pit bulls that broke our back fence and came into our yard. I had just gotten my kids and dogs inside moments before the pit bulls broke the fence, so it was very lucky that no one was hurt. I called Animal Control and they came to get the dogs, and said they would be issuing a citation to the owners (who weren't home at the time). I do not know for sure what will happen from here, but I did file a police report about the broken fences (they broke 2 sections of our fence). They also broke the fence between my house our neighbor's house next door, so Bryan got to repair both of them on Tuesday night after this happened.

The dogs originally came from the neighbors behind our next-door neighbors, broke into the people's yard behind us, then into our yard, and finally into our next door neighbors (I wondered if they might get confused and break back into their own backyard to make a full circle). I did tell all the kids in the cul-de-sac that afternoon to go inside because I was afraid they might break out of the front of my yard and get to our street. Thankfully they were content in my yard and stayed there until Animal Control came to get them.

It was a scary afternoon, but I'm really glad it ended well. I hope that the dogs don't get to come back, but if they do you can bet I'll be calling Animal Control as soon as I see them coming the next time!

Monday, January 12, 2009

We had our 20 week ultrasound this morning...

And....drumroll's a GIRL!!

The pictures are not great because my scanner is not wanting to cooperate with my computer and so I had to take pictures of the ultrasound pictures.

The first picture is her face, which we couldn't get a great picture of because she was head down and kind of hiding. The second picture is the gender are either looking for a hot dog or a taco, and we had a taco :-) There are 3 lines, which is supposed to be very clearly a female.

So, now it's time to go shopping!! Yes, we already have clothes, bedding, etc., but it's still fun to get new pink stuff that is just for this baby.

And in case anyone is wondering about names, we have narrowed it down to 3 choices:

Leah Christine

Emma Christine

Isabella Christine

If you'd like, leave me a comment and let us know what your favorite is!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bekah's Favorite Hobby

Bekah has always been a little strange...make that unique. Have I ever mentioned that her favorite toy in the world is rocks? Yes, you read that right...ROCKS!! She is fascinated by them. Everywhere we go she insists on bringing home rocks. She keeps them all in a treasure chest in her room and I swear she plays with those more than anything else she owns. So, for her birthday last year, I went to Target and bought a $3.99 jar of rocks. It was her favorite present!! I had to take them away from her for awhile, though, because I kept finding them all over the house. She recently had them returned, and here is a couple of great shots of her and her most favorite playtime.

And in case you're wondering why this blog has been AAB (All About Bekah) lately, here is what the boys do in their spare time:

Not very exciting, huh? Devin stayed home from school sick on Friday, so the boys spent all day watching movies. Bekah's just not that kind of kid... so she spent most of the day playing with her rocks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Apparently It's Opposite Day!

Bekah had on her dress and crown today (because she's a princess, of course) and we were about to leave, so I told her to get dressed. This is what she did:

She has her shirt on her legs, and her pants on her head. I just told her she's going to be cold outside, so she went and changed. What a silly little girl...

On another note, this is her first year in a real dance class and she got her recital costume today! She had to model it for Daddy when he got home, and here's what it looks like:

She has a hair piece that goes with it, but we didn't put that on yet. She is SO excited about getting to dance on stage. I really hope she doesn't freak out about being in front of people. She's quite a ham at home, but when on the spot she tends to hide behind my legs. Her recital is May 16, so hopefully this baby will wait until after that so I'll get to see her perform!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Pregnancy Induced Insomnia

I'm getting to that fun part of pregnancy where things really start to change. I'm starting to feel the baby kicking, I'm close to finding out what the sex will be, and my belly is actually starting to look more pregnant than fat. But with this baby, things seem to be changing much differently than ever before. Those who know me know how much I LOVE to sleep. I used to go to bed at 9:00 and sleep until noon, take a 3 hour nap, and be back in bed by 9. Throughout high school, college, and my early married life, I would give up pretty much anything to take a nap or sleep in.

Of course, pregnancy brings with it all kinds of fun symptoms, and the newest one I have is INSOMNIA. And not just a little bit of it...I'm talking not going to bed until 3 am and waking up at 7:00 not tired at all. On the one hand, I'm getting a lot of internet research done and I have tons of energy throughout the day. On the other hand....I WANT TO SLEEP!!!

I often envy my children who can fall alseep in the car as soon as we're out of the driveway. Or my husband who can fall asleep in his chair, take a 20 minute nap, and feel amazingly refreshed. I'm ever hopeful that this symptom, much like morning sickness, will go away in time. But from what I understand from other moms, this may be indicative of what the baby's sleep patterns will be. I may be carrying around a night owl who will never nap...what am I going to do??

The princess before (notice the crown, bracelet, purse, princess baby doll, and necklace that she HAD to have before we could leave the house :-)

The princess after about 5 seconds in the car (no kidding...we hadn't even made it out of our neighborhood). I'm so jealous!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy 2009! I know this is going to be a big year for us, with Disney World in under a month, a new baby coming mid-year, and Caleb starting kindergarten in the fall. I want to thank everyone for their love and support this past year, and thank you in advance for your support of our family in the coming year! I'm sure we'll need it!

And for those who are wondering, Bryan and I did make it to midnight last night. We had some neighborhood friends over and the kids played while the adults hung out...very low key. Bekah made it to about 10:45 and then passed out cold. We let the boys stay up until 11:00 to watch the ball drop in New York, and then went outside to pop some party popper things. Devin loved them, Caleb not-so-much...he said they were scary. So Devin popped about 20 of them.

Then we made the boys go to bed (which Devin was none to pleased about) and Bryan and I stayed up to exactly midnight, then I passed out. Very easy-going, relaxed New Year.

Hope everyone else had a great time as well!!